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OceanFirst Foundation Continues Commitment to the Hansen Foundation

By December 22, 2020News
OceanFirst Foundation has continued their financial commitment to The Hansen Foundation with the second grant award payment in November of $25,000, part of a total grant award of $75,000 over three years. In 2019, OceanFirst Foundation awarded this Major Grant Award to The Hansen Foundation to renovate a property to be used for Recovery Residences called Serenity Houses. The purpose of this project is to provide additional, safe, supportive recovery housing for people suffering from substance use disorder.

 The Recovery Residence project included structural changes, a complete remake of all bathrooms, laundry facilities, plumbing, electrical and HVAC requirements, flooring, drywall and painting throughout.  It opened on June 1, 2019 to female residents based on census needs at the time. Since opening, we have housed approximately 38 women within the ages of 18-25 at this location on their road to recovery.  The average length of stay in our housing is typically 6 -18 months. Our support staff and house managers help our residents learn how to live in our community, work, get their lives (back) in order after treatment. Many residents do not have insurance and if they did, it does not cover housing. So even our low fee of $180.00 per week is not possible without an entry subsidy boost from our scholarship funds for the first month.

 As you can see on the following page, the renovation of the house is transformative….much like our residents as they attain recovery.  At the Hansen Foundation we create safe, affordable, well-designed recovery residences that support every aspect of healing and maintaining sobriety.   There is a correlation between having a holistic home environment and staying sober.  It is the mission of CEO Jennifer Hansen to ensure that everyone that comes into our residences is provided with a strong foundation to build a substance-free life.  When residents live in a space of aesthetic value, they soon learn to value their self-worth.

Hansen believes in revitalizing the community whenever possible, using existing structures as well as repurposing building materials. To carry out the organization’s sustainability model, Hansen focuses on bringing “old buildings back to life at the same time giving residents a chance at life in recovery through employment and recovery skills training.
OceanFirst’s generous gift to support an additional recovery house could not have come at a more critical time. The year 2020 brought us COVID-19 and studies have shown that drug and alcohol abuse and relapses increased as a result of the virus.  What a gift it was to provide additional safe, clean and affordable long-term recovery housing to residents during the most pressing epidemic of our time.  Each changed life is a miracle and we are happy to have assisted by partnering with OceanFirst to bring about the change.
OceanFirst’s generous gift to support an additional recovery house could not have come at a more critical time. The year 2020 brought us COVID-19 and studies have shown that drug and alcohol abuse and relapses increased as a result of the virus.  What a gift it was to provide additional safe, clean and affordable long-term recovery housing to residents during the most pressing epidemic of our time.  Each changed life is a miracle and we are happy to have assisted by partnering with OceanFirst to bring about the change.

The Hansen Foundation, Inc.
4 E. Jimmie Leeds Road
Galloway, NJ 08205
Phone: 609.270.4443

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