As a nonprofit farm cultivating a sustainable and healing environment for all, our roots run deep within the recovery community in New Jersey. We understand that the regenerative process of nature mirrors the regenerative process of individuals healing from addiction. We are working on recovery of the land and its people. When we commit to improving the health of our soil and the health of humanity, we are closing the gap of the neglected through resiliency, compassion, environmental stewardship, and community driven support. We are committed to the health of not only our soil but of humanity, especially those marginalized from society due to addiction and mental illness. We work to nourish people through horticulture programs, bringing those in recovery, those effected by substance use addiction and those who are committed to holistic wellness together.

Regenerative Agriculture Program
Enlightened Farm is committed to providing local and organic produce to all of our partners at Enlightened Solutions Main Campus, Enlightened Solutions Detox, and Serenity Houses. We produce organic vegetables, herbs, flowers, and eggs with the lens of environmental stewardship using regenerative agriculture practices. Regenerative agriculture is a practice of working with nature rather than against it. We focus on soil health, companion planting, and wildlife integration.
Sustainability Program
A collaborative food waste reduction program with our partners at Enlightened Solutions Main Campus and Enlightened Detox. All kitchen sites divert their food scraps from the landfill and use it as necessary material for Enlightened Farm’s compost. The farm collects all food scraps on a weekly basis from ES sites and uses it to make organic fertilizer and topsoil to help with carbon sequestration and soil improvements.
Horticulture Therapy: Cultivation of Wellness
An alternative therapeutic experience for clients and their families from Enlightened Solutions Main Campus. Clients will be immersed in different mediums of nature to help them ease their nervous system, find connection to something bigger than themselves, feel a sense of peace and harmony, rebuild trust, confidence, and self-esteem, and become environmental stewards. Clients are offered sessions 2x per week and a monthly family session to reintegrate with their loved ones in a safe and positive environment.
Solid Roots Employment Program
A steppingstone on the path to RECOVERY, Solid Roots is a transitional employment program for individuals new in recovery to gain employment skills experience at Enlightened Farm. This is an opportunity for individuals in sober living to regain employment through stable income, fellowship, job training, skill acquisition and work ethic in environmental stewardship.
Growing Gratitude Program
The Growing Gratitude Program is for individuals in Enlightened Solutions Partial Care Program and receiving Hansen Foundation scholarship funding. Rooted in healing, this program cultivates gratitude through community service performed at The Hansen Foundation’s Enlightened Farm one day per week. Hansen Foundation scholarship recipients in the Growing Gratitude Program complete community hours to benefit the betterment of their community.
Enlightened Volunteer Program
A community driven program for anyone interested in contributing to our mission and eager to learn how to farm. Enlightened Farm welcomes any former clients, members of the larger community, and local businesses/organizations to volunteer. We host a bi-monthly Community Volunteer Day open to the public to work together and complete a project. We offer a free class (yoga, reiki, tai chi etc.) after in gratitude for their help.
- Over 75 volunteers contributed their time and energy to Enlightened Farm throughout 2019-2020.
- A program designed to keep alumni, employees, and the larger community connected.
- Provides additional assistance for farm functions and completion of large tasks.
- Allows allies of the recovery community to support healing and our mission.