As part of our mission, “To Transform Humanity, One Person at a Time, One Day at a Time” The Hansen Foundation helps those who have struggled with substance use disorder to learn work ethic and job skills to maintain employment post treatment. Employment is one of the most important components of sustained RECOVERY for individuals with substance use disorder (SUD). Attaining and keeping a job has both economic and non-economic benefits for recovering individuals including:
- Structure
- Social Connections
- Non-Substance User Role Models
- Self-Confidence
- Self-Reliance
- Valued and Respected Role in Society
People coming from active addiction have limited skills to be employable such as work ethic, getting along and working well with other people, professional communication and interpersonal skills. Many individuals with SUD do not know how to be reliable to a job, to commit to a deadline, follow a set of directions, and be dependable in their job performance. We help provide this vital life skill that may have been lost or never developed because of addiction through a variety of programs.